REVIEW: ‘Orange Is the New Black’ (Season 7) “Manages to end with the message it started with”

September 18, 2019 1 min read

REVIEW: ‘Orange Is the New Black’ (Season 7) “Manages to end with the message it started with”

September 18, 2019 1 min read

If there’s one thing that ‘Orange Is the New Black’ has taught us, it’s that not everybody gets a happy ending.

Throughout the six previous seasons of this iconic, sometimes ground-breaking, sometimes controversial show, we’ve seen characters come and go, get an early release, get sentenced to more time (whether justified or not), and some didn’t even make it out of Lichfield alive.

Click here to read the review in full.

Sophie Butcher

Writer, media graduate and marketing manager with a love for escapism through quality film and TV - and then writing about it. Blogging, always.

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